Tina Bove

Going back to my roots

Saturday, July 23, 2016

A little over a year ago I re-started my health and fitness journey after having Jack.  I desperately needed to lose 20 lbs so that I could fit back into my work clothes.  The scale didn’t seem to be moving and I felt LOST.  Luckily, I had a friend that was getting ready to start an online accountability group doing a program called PiYO.  PiYO is a wonderful blend of pilates and yoga.  Extremely low impact but high intensity.  You WILL be a sweaty mess after these workouts!  I knew that I needed to ease myself back into working out, especially after having a c-section 6 wks prior.  I signed up for her group and it was one of the BEST decisions I have ever made. 
With the support and accountability of the women in the group, I got my healthy eating habits and portion control back on track, I began drinking shakeology every morning for breakfast, and I got back into a workout routine (as much as you can with a newborn)!  Over those 8 weeks, I lost 13 lbs and 11 ins off of my body but GAINED so much confidence in myself and my ability to control how I LOOK and FEEL.  
After I did the full 8 week PiYO program, I also realized it would be an incredible supplement to my running program when I signed up for the Shamrock Half Marathon this past spring.  I came up with a great program of running 3 days a week and incorporating my favorite PiYO workouts on the other 3 days.  I ended up having a PR time on race day (sub 2 hrs) and no injuries or major soreness during my training!  Bottom line, if you are a runner and are looking for some workouts to supplement your running, PiYO should be in your arsenal.
If any of the above struck a chord with you, I invite you to fill out the short form below and join my for my upcoming PiYO Accountability group in August.  It’ll be an AMAZING 8 weeks of support and motivation from someone who has gotten GREAT results with the progam!!  
My first round of PiYO (June-July 2015)

Are you ready to make FITNESS your BUSINESS?!?!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

As I approach my 1 year anniversary of becoming a Beachbody Coach I told myself I was going to get REAL about a part of coaching that I hardly ever talk….. MONEY!!! I don’t like to talk about it because it’s not the most important aspect of why I do what I do, BUT I know it could be life changing for some people. How would an extra $500-$1,000 in your pocket every month sound to you? What if I told you I’m achieving this every month by dedicating 1-2 hrs a night, after the kiddos go to bed!
I have been blessed with a very good job and a husband that has a good job. We live a comfortable
lifestyle and don’t have to worry month to month about our bills getting paid. Now I know that is not the case for everyone out there and an extra $500 a month would be HUGE for their family. So I’m here to tell you that by sharing my health and fitness journey and helping others work toward their fitness goals, I’m making a solid monthly income. Since last month, I committed to putting all of my Beachbody earnings towards maxing out my Roth IRA for the year and I’m happy to report that I’m almost half way to that goal already! This is VERY important to me as I work towards securing my family’s financial future.
What would an extra $500 mean to you? Would it mean paying off your student loan debt, saving up for that dream vacation or getting ahead on some of your bills? Could you commit to working this business for 1-2, FOCUSED, hours a day to get to that goal? Are you passionate about helping yourself and others live a healthy life? I’m not saying this was easy and without its ups and downs, but I am 100% DEDICATED to helping myself and others achieve and maintain their health and fitness.
I’d love to help you get started coaching and changing lives, all while making money! If you are interested, fill out this short form and we'll start chatting real soon! 

Money Master the Game-You need to get this book NOW!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

This book is a GAME CHANGER!!! 
If you care at all about your financial future and how you’ll be able to spend your years in retirement, then I HIGHLY recommend you pick this book up!  I consider myself to be somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to investing and saving (not picking stocks but selecting long term funds) and this book was a great refresher on a lot of basic concepts: 
*The power of compounding interest and the idea that the sooner you start investing, the better off you’ll be in the long term.  
*You should be investing 10-15% off your paycheck each month.
*Set up your investments so they are automatically taken out of your paycheck (out of sight, out of mind). 
*Everyone can be investing, even just a little!
*As Americans, we are living longer and most will likely outlive their retirement savings. 
*You need to pay attention to the fees you are paying certain companies and financial advisors.  This was the biggest one for me!!!
I knew I was paying higher fees (1-3%) for my investment accounts at Wells Fargo but I felt like I had someone watching my back (aka a Financial Advisor).  Come to find out, he has NO obligation to look out for my financial future.  The only person that can do that is a licensed fiduciary.  1-3% fees might not seem like a lot but over the years, this adds up to BIG money that could’ve been yours to spend traveling the world in retirement. 
Long story short, Tony Robbins goes over all of this, and more in this book.  It’s pretty long but totally worth the time.  I have already taken action and have moved my investments over to my Vanguard account, where I am paying extremely low fees and can invest in some excellent funds there.  Pick up this book by clicking on the picture below and it will take you right to Amazon to purchase (I listened to it on audio).  I hope you start taking action NOW to set yourself up for a wonderful financial future.  

1 year ago today, I joined my first Health and Fitness Accountability Group

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hard to believe that exactly 1 year ago, June 1, 2015, I made a commitment to myself to get healthy and fit.  I was 6 weeks postpartum and the last 20 lbs I needed to lose to fit back in my work clothes just wasn't budging.  I knew I needed help and that's when a friend's post on Facebook popped up in my feed about an upcoming accountability group that was starting on my birthday and exactly when I was 6 weeks postpartum so I could start working out again.  
Losing weight after I had my daughter, 2 yrs prior, was pretty easy! I was able to eat whatever I wanted because I was breastfeeding, workout and the weight came off easily.  That did NOT happen this time around with my son.  Those pesky 20 lbs that I probably shouldn't have gained during my pregnancy were being stubborn!!! I knew I needed someone to keep me accountable to my workouts and getting my eating back on track.  Even though I was breastfeeding, I knew i needed to get my eating under control and just plain eat healthier.  
I'm so glad I signed up for that accountability group a year ago.  I did an 8 week program called PiYO and lost 13 lbs and 11 ins across my body.  More importantly, I gained confidence, could fit back in my work clothes and just felt so much healthier and alive because I was eating healthy and working out regularly.  The ladies in that group kept me motivated on days I didn't feel like working out and gave me great tips on how to make healthy eating a lifestyle and NOT just a diet!  
A year later, I'm the smallest and healthiest I've been since high school.  I not only look great but I FEEL great and that is the most important thing!  Cheers to rockin my hot, new bod at the beach this summer!!! 

Are you ready to look smokin this summer?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What if I said I could help you transform your body using NO complicated equipment.. NO heavy weights.. NO long hours in the gym!...And you don't even have to leave your house! Then come join me for 3 weeks of incredible workouts and the support and motivation to FINALLY lose the weight!

All workouts are done in the comfort of your own home…on your own time. You will have ME as your Coach... walking you through the program every step of the way!  If you can give me 30 minutes of your day, I can give you the body you've been dreaming about! 

What would you think about never having to count calories again?  Well I take care of that and send you a FUN custom portion control eating system. 
This Facebook Accountability Group starts in TWO WEEKS, and includes my custom VIP Accountability Group, that will keep you on point throughout the entire program.

If you can commit to changing your life, I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I want to hear from ladies that are serious about getting fit and healthy! This program IS NOT FREE but includes:

- A complete 21 day home workout kit with DVDs
- 7 color coded portion control containers
- Complete custom meal plan designed for our 21 Day Challenge
- Bonus 3 Day custom plan to quickly get you picture or beach ready when you are short on time
- Shakeology to help kill all your chocolate and carb cravings
- Shaker cup you can take anywhere  
-FREE 21 Day Fix t-shirt if you post your before and after pictures to the Beachbody challenge site
- ME as your personal coach
- Access to my EXCLUSIVE VIP LIFETIME support group
-30 day trial to *Beachbody on Demand* - Stream OVER $2000 worth of workout programs right from your phone, tablet, laptop, etc!

I have had incredible results this past year using this program.  I've lost over 30 lbs and have been able to keep it off! If you are ready to take that next step and lose the weight, click on the link below, fill out the short form and I'll be in touch with you shortly!

Don’t wait….spots will fill up fast!


Book Review-Barefoot Executive

Monday, March 14, 2016

Click on the book to
purchase from Amazon

I wanted to do a quick review of this book I just read.  I first heard about Carrie Wilkerson on a podcast (I think it was EO On Fire).  I immediately fell in love with her passion for helping Entrepreneurs and her background in starting her own business, so I ordered the book on Amazon.

This book is perfect for anyone out there who is thinking about starting their own business and has NO idea where to start.  You may have some good ideas but you have no idea how to monetize them. I love how she walks you through, step-by-step, how to take those ideas and put a strategy together.  There are so many different ways to go about monetizing your ideas online and it can quite frankly be intimidating!  She spends a chapter on each approach (service based, affiliate marketing, information products, etc.) and goes into enough detail that you can make a decision on what approach might be best for you.  

She also drove home the importance of Masterminds and that has led me to do some serious research into what group I want to be apart of to grow my online health and fitness business.  Her no BS style really drives home her passion for being her own boss and running her various businesses.  She is living her life on her terms.  She didn't get there by chance, it was a lot of handwork, slip ups and determination!  She doesn't hesitate to share those slip ups in her book and help you learn from her mistakes.  Again, would highly recommend this book for anyone out there that wants to learn about the various online business strategies, and you can click on the book image above to order from Amazon.

3 Day Refresh-Day 3

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Today was MUCH better than yesterday.  I skipped my run this morning and opted to just do my 20 minutes of calisthenics with my co-workers at lunch.  I wasn't nearly as hungry today so that helped a lot.  I know this is going to be TMI but I was really gassy and bloated last night, so it was huge relief when I took a #2 this morning.  I felt soooooo much better afterwards!  I stuck to the same eating schedule as yesterday and drank about 70 ozs of water.  Again, I started getting gassy around 4pm again tonight.  I'm definitely excited to eat some really food tomorrow but I'm also excited to see what my results are in the morning!  I look forward to not only sharing my results but summing up the pros and cons of this program!