Tina Bove : ABOUT


I am a working mom of two little ones and my husband is a Submariner in the U.S. Navy.  Life is busy!  I am also a Military Veteran with 7 years of service in the U.S. Navy as a Nuclear Surface Warfare Officer.

So a little bit more about where I came from.  I grew up on a farm in Upstate, NY, riding horses and enjoying the outdoors!  I received my undergraduate degree at the U.S. Naval Academy and then got to see the world for the next 7 yrs! My husband and I wanted to start a family and it made sense for me to leave the service.  Fast forward a few years, a couple moves, and we have two beautiful children!

Why is fitness so important to me?  It's always been an important part of my life......I've run two marathons, a sprint triathlon, numerous 5 and 10K's and have taken several spinning classes!  I love being fit but I haven't always paired that with good nutrition.  After my second child, I needed help and that's where I found a Beachbody Facebook Accountability Group that put it all together for me!

Being apart of that Accountability Group changed my life.  I lost my baby weight and was eating healthy!  I knew I wanted to be apart of this AMAZING Beachbody Community so I signed up and have LOVED every minute of it!

For more on my journey to becoming a coach, see my post "Why I became a Beachbody Coach" Click here for the post: http://tinabove.blogspot.com/2015/08/why-i-became-beachbody-coach.html