Tina Bove : Why I became a Beachbody Coach!

Why I became a Beachbody Coach!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Why would a wife, mother of two, with a great paying job want to become a Beachbody coach?  A lot of people have asked me this very question or doubted my decision to do so and I wanted to spend some time answering this question because I think it explains a lot about who I am as a person.  

I’ve been a Beachbody fan for a looong time.  I remember doing Insanity with my best friend back in college and getting my sweat on with Shaun-T!  Then about 6 mos after I had my daughter I was ready to get my body back in check again and I remember texting back and forth with a friend and we decided to do T-25 Focus together.  What a great program that was!  Looking back now I realize that if I had followed the eating plan that was associated with it, I would’ve had even better results.  I toned up and lost some weight but knowing what I know now, it could’ve been an incredible transformation!  

Fast forward to the Spring of 2015…. I remember stepping on the scale right before I went in for my c-section to have our handsome little Jack and I had gained 50 lbs!  Wowser!  Now I had stayed active during my pregnancy but I gave into a lot of cravings.  Subconsciously I knew this was going to be my last time being pregnant so I wasn’t going to deprive myself of anything!  
About 2 weeks after I had given birth I saw one of my high school friends post something about a PiYO Challenge group and I watched the cool video attached….I thought it looked interesting.  I reached out to her because I was concerned about doing Shakeology while breastfeeding and she reassured me that it was safe and she was also drinking Shakeology and breastfeeding*.  Great!  I also told her I already owned T-25 so should I just do that or did she think PiYO was better?  I’m really glad her answer was definitely do PiYO!  Starting a workout routine right at 6 wks postpartum was going to be tough enough but doing so with a high impact workout like T-25, probably not a great idea! So I signed up for her PiYO Challenge group that started right on my sons 6 week birthday!  

What a breath of fresh air this Challenge group was!  Mind you there was only myself and one other girl that were really active and participated in the group but that was ok.  I made a lifelong fitness friend and we are both coaches now.  Being in that Challenge group helped me stay motivated, I got excellent eating tips and I got to ask questions or just post how excited I was when I lost my first 5 lbs!  It was a ‘No Judgement Zone’ and I took full advantage of it! By the end of the 8 weeks I had lost 13 lbs, 11 ins and had incredible Before and After photos to share.  

I remember my coach posting something about saving 25% on your next Shakeology order and I was mildly intrigued but I didn’t pursue it.  Then I remember a post she made on her own Facebook page about how much she loved being a Beachbody coach and that there was a 5 Day Sneak Peak into what Beachbody coaches actually do.  Now that caught my attention, what do Beachbody coaches actually do? I was still home on maternity leave so I had the time to devote to checking this out so I told her I wanted in and I joined the 5 Day Sneak Peak Facebook group.  

What I found was a motivating, positive group of people that were looking to continue their health and fitness journey, all while helping others and achieving some financial success in doing so.  I was SOLD!  I loved the energy, the enthusiasm and just about everything there is to love about Beachbody coaching! It’s like being a part of a wonderful, supportive family! I was signed up by the end of the 5 days.  I wanted to be a part of this incredible Beachbody family!  I honestly did not sign up to make $ (Remember, I had a great paying job).  I signed up for two reasons: My first reason was somewhat selfish but I knew that being a coach I’d hold myself to a higher standard.  Who wanted a Beachbody coach that was lazy, didn’t work out and didn’t take care of themselves?  This was going to help keep me accountable to my workouts and healthy eating!  Two, I loved teaching and helping others (one of the awesome traits I get from my Mom) and I wanted to Pay it Forward.  I wanted to show all those Mommas out there that you can get your body back after baby and there are people to help keep you motivated and on the right path!  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t mind making a few extra bucks every week though!  

All in all, joining the Beachbody coaching team was the right thing to do for me and there’s no looking back!  Stay tuned as I continue on my Beachbody coaching journey…..
My PiYO Results
*Always consult with your doctor before drinking Shakeology while breastfeeding