This book is a GAME CHANGER!!!
If you care at all about your financial future and how you’ll be able to spend your years in retirement, then I HIGHLY recommend you pick this book up! I consider myself to be somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to investing and saving (not picking stocks but selecting long term funds) and this book was a great refresher on a lot of basic concepts:
*The power of compounding interest and the idea that the sooner you start investing, the better off you’ll be in the long term.
*You should be investing 10-15% off your paycheck each month.
*Set up your investments so they are automatically taken out of your paycheck (out of sight, out of mind).
*Everyone can be investing, even just a little!
*As Americans, we are living longer and most will likely outlive their retirement savings.
*You need to pay attention to the fees you are paying certain companies and financial advisors. This was the biggest one for me!!!
I knew I was paying higher fees (1-3%) for my investment accounts at Wells Fargo but I felt like I had someone watching my back (aka a Financial Advisor). Come to find out, he has NO obligation to look out for my financial future. The only person that can do that is a licensed fiduciary. 1-3% fees might not seem like a lot but over the years, this adds up to BIG money that could’ve been yours to spend traveling the world in retirement.
Long story short, Tony Robbins goes over all of this, and more in this book. It’s pretty long but totally worth the time. I have already taken action and have moved my investments over to my Vanguard account, where I am paying extremely low fees and can invest in some excellent funds there. Pick up this book by clicking on the picture below and it will take you right to Amazon to purchase (I listened to it on audio). I hope you start taking action NOW to set yourself up for a wonderful financial future.